There are many ways to keep your computer network safe. One way is to stay up-to-date with your current backup process. A backup process is described as the copying and archiving of information or computer data. This way an individual or company can safeguard against a system crash or unexpected event that might result in data loss. A typical backup process incorporates two processes; the actual copying of data on a schedule and recovering of stored data on demand.
Businesses back up essential data to protect against attacks or accidents and to ensure operational continuity in case of a system crash or breach. Companies that handle sensitive data have to be prepared for the worst cases of data corruption, malicious cyber attacks, hardware failure, user error, and any other incident that might lead to loss or corruption of data.
By implementing a backup and disaster recovery plan, organizations can ensure that their data is safe on and offsite in case of an emergency or simply file recovery. If an unprecedented situation causes loss of data to the company server, then copies of this data can be accessed immediately through the secure network – therefore guaranteeing security and continuity of business operations.
Keeping in mind that a normal backup process stores at least one copy of data, the total data storage requirements for a single process can be significant. Premium data backup services take different approaches to run a backup including complex repository models to organize and maintain the backup process. Data storage devices are also used to set up reliable backups that offer geographic redundancy, portability, and enhanced security.
A normal backup process is used to secure any essential database or relevant line-of-business application, and the process works through a set of pre-defined standards that include the frequency of data backup.
To determine how often data should be backed up, a number of factors are considered including the nature of data being stored , the client’s needs , and best practices.
Typically, a secure backup process is initiated during off-peak hours, organizations are encouraged to supplement the regular backup with separate processes that store new data or data that has been created since the last full backup. Frequency can range from daily to hourly backup, based on the business’ policies.
Data storage methods vary widely based on the needs of the organization and the technology set up for such processes. A local backup system involves copying data onto an external hard drive. Other forms of backup include backup disaster recovery servers or cloud storage – this data is normally housed in-or-near the data center. Data can be accessed remotely through a secure connection.
Local backup: This has a few benefits including the ability to set up your own firewall, and data access is considerably faster. Also, the owner has more control over who can access the data. In addition, they can set the provisions for accessing, copying, and updating the data.
Offsite backup : In an offsite backup system, data is transmitted to a remote location (this may be an offsite data center) through a secure channel. This offers high security provided the data center uses its own advanced methods to protect and backup stored data.
Modern data backup usually involves online storage which is divided into three main categories:
Private cloud storage or internal cloud storage: Data is stored on company servers (on-premise servers and backup Disaster Recovery facilities).
Public cloud storage : Clients are charged a fee to access premium storage services. Charges are determined by the amount of storage space used.
Hybrid cloud storage: This system takes advantage of both local and off-site storage. It is normally used by organizations to archive data for long-term storage. Local storage allows the owners quick access to crucial data.
Storage Limitations
All forms of storage have some form of limitation. When choosing a backup system, it’s important to measure the right storage capacity with your long-term needs and find a reliable backup source.
Improved security: Updating your backup system means upgrading your network. Your whole IT network can benefit from implementing higher security protocols.
Enhanced efficiency: With automated systems, data storage and access will be more efficient, which will enhance operations.
Reduced labor: Automatic backup takes the pressure off of having to manually backup and store data.
Easy set up: It takes only a short amount of time to set up a secure and reliable backup system.
Ensuring that your backup processes are up-to-date is critical to business data security. The key to preventing data loss is to use simple and practical solutions to regularly backup your data. At SDTEK, we can provide support for keeping your backup process and/or disaster recovery plan up-to-date. Please reach out to one of our team members for assistance by clicking here.
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